Bestec GmbH is an owner-operated medium-sized German company developing and building customized instruments for R&D applications. Initially, after founding Bestec GmbH in Berlin-Adlershof in 1990, the focus of our activities were femtosecond lasers and related components for synchronization and diagnostics. As early as 1992, we started the first large-scale project developing, building and installing an in-vacuum spectrometer as in-situ diagnostics…
Beside the pumping system, the bakeout equipment is an essential component in all UHV systems. Depending on the bakeout concept, it consists of a bake out controller and several fan heaters or heating wires.
Cluster tools are typically very flexible and easy expandable multi chamber systems containing a central linear or radial distribution system. Bestec provides linear or radial distribution chamber systems or even complete cluster tools.
The constant-strut-length hexapod mechanism is well suited for mirror manipulation in UHV, especially for combined beam switching and beam splitting or for mirror exchange. The parallel-kinematic approach allows for free definition of the rotation center for pitch, roll and yaw, higher stability, repeatability and load capacity as compared to a stacked design. Mirror exchange units can be realized using a…
Control software is one of the key features of a state of the art deposition system. Therefore Bestec develops for each system a customized software solution on the basis of standard software modules.
Bestec designs and provides different type of customized and high vacuum (HV) or ultra high vacuum (UHV) compatible evaporation source assamblies to be integrated in a Bestec deposition system or as separate component.
Bestec offers finite element analysis (FEA) to minimize mounting and illumination induced deformation of optical elements. Stress and deformation analysis of components under high thermal and mechanical load is used to assist and verify the mechanical design.
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