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This grating unit was developed and built to be integrated into the RIXS system for ATHOS beamline at SwissFEL of Paul Scherrer Institut. The challenge was to accomodate all components for standard functionality and for compensation of spectrometer related spurious movements into a very limited space, without perfomance lost.
This monochromator was developed as a combination of a DCM and a multilayer PGM in order to cover the whole available tender X-ray energy range of 1.5-10 keV at the MIFO beamline of the PTB at BESSY using one monochromator system only. Change of operation mode between PGM and DCM is automated and does not require venting of the system.
This grating unit was developed and built to be integrated into the high energy resolution hRIXS system at SCS instrument of the European XFEL. The challenge was to accomodate all components for standard functionality and for compensation of spectrometer related spurious movements into a very limited space, without perfomance lost.
This monochromator is an optimized version of the first monochromator installed at the SXR beamline at SLAC (see project P308). The required grazing incidence at XFEL beamlines implies a large distance between pre-mirror and grating, which explains the stadium-shaped footprint of the vacuum chamber.
This grating unit was developed and built to be integrated into the high energy resolution RIXS system at I21-IXS at DLS. The challenge was to accomodate all components for standard functionality and for compensation of spectrometer related spurious movements into a very limited space, without perfomance lost.
This monochromator is part of the SIX beamline, dedicated to high resolution soft X-ray scattering experiments. Energy resolution and pointing stability are here of crucial importance. The long pre-mirror integrated in this monochromator required an adapted design to achieve the requested high stability of mirror and grating pitch rotations. Special attention was payed to block zero-order and stray light by…
The long pre-mirror integrated in this monochromator required an adapted design to achieve the requested high repeatability and stability of mirror and grating pitch rotations. Special attention was payed to block zero-order and stray light by using several water cooled masks and beam stops.
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